Skoolies & Big Rigs
So you want to take your Skoolie to Baja? Here are some pointers.
Taking Your Skoolie to Baja
by - J & Eric Aldape
So you want to go to Baja this winter for the Escapar, and you want to take your Skoolie or big rig? Well don’t worry because with a little consideration you wont have a problem. Here are a few considerations for your Skoolie or Big Rig in Baja that we learned during our 7 months there last winter.
It is legally required that you carry Mexican Insurance for your vehicle in Baja, and you need to find a company that will write a policy for your unique vehicle. Baja Bound is the best at doing this, and they know all the mechanics, tow companies, etc. on the Peninsula.
Narrow Lanes
You need to really, really, REALLY understand your rig’s width before going to Baja. Several of the main highway lanes are super tight, the small town streets (especially Mulege) are nearly impassable in a Skoolie, and many of the off beaten path destinations are no-gos in the rig.
Before going on detours off main roads read all reviews and talk to locals. Talk Baja on Facebook is a wonderful resource, as is the Escapar WhatsApp Group. Fortunately large RV owners have been coming to Baja for decades, so there’s always someone in-the-know.
Be prepared to get stuck. It happens to nearly all of us beach-crazed nomads. Scout all your beaches on foot before driving and make sure you to have a full size shovel, treads, tow rope, and know some strategies.
Many deflate their tires if they become stuck, and even do so beforehand for the traction their entire trip to Baja. We plan to add an air hose to our air break or air ride system which will enable us to re-inflate our tires via the bus.
Also remember not to panic. Both locals and tourist get stuck daily in Baja, and it’s an incredibly kind and helpful community. We’ve seen a small tow truck pull a 40ft bus out of the deep sand.
Another note, have the Green Angels phone number saved. It’s a free tow/mechanic service with English speaking operators. They may not be able to help a large rig but can get you in contact with someone who can.
Green Angels: +1 (800) 903-9200 or dial 078 from local phone.
And of course, if you get really stuck, just call Baja Bound.
Crossing the Border
We electronically filled out FMM to avoid having to park & wait on Mexico side of boarder. Several friends had issues being able to pay at the boader and parking can be limited and difficult for big rigs (especially in a caravan).
Tecate has a large parking area on the right side, and Mexicali has one spot that can handle a bus on the left. Do not cross at Tijuana / San Isidro.
Always look presentable and take off sunglasses at boarders and check points. Be respectful and you should have zero issues.
Purified Water
We were initially worried about being able to find potable water in Baja. Turns out there are Aqua Purificato‘s in all the towns. Parking for these little shops can be challenging and several of the streets/alleys are very narrow and difficult to back into. We had no problems being able to fill our 75 gallon tank for less than $10. Sometimes the Aqua Purificato did not have a hose which could make it more difficult. We did have luck using our water bandit to MacGyver to a couple of the water dispensers.
Grey Water / Pumping
There are dump stations in all major towns and many of the RV parks up and down the peninsula, and you can check on Talk Baja or WhatsApp for specific information. Do *not* dump your grey water on the beach, as it is one of the surefire ways to end up in trouble with law enforcement in Baja.
See you in Baja!
-J & Eric Aldape

Did we miss anything?
If you have a question that wasn’t answered by this guide, shoot us a message and we’ll look into it.